We had our first email! On the subject of tidyverse versus base R, from the excellent Matt Dray. Links follow http://varianceexplained.org/r/teach-tidyverse/ https://github.com/matloff/TidyverseSkeptic/blob/master/README.md https://r4ds.hadley.nz/base-r If you would like to email the show, especially if you learned tidyverse first, and then base, email us on nhs.rcommunity@nhs.net NHSRepisodes https://github.com/nhs-r-community/NHSRepisodes We're not open for abstracts any more, sorry! We have absolutely loads though, so keep an eye out for the conference 17th/ 18th October Code speed up thread https://github.com/JosiahParry/pathattr/issues/1 Thanks again to Tim Taylor for an excellent podcast, and thanks to him for all of his wonderful contributions to the community
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